Finite Element Method

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Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of Solidifying Concrete Slab of a Bridge

Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of Laser Anneal Process

Optimization of Mold Shape and Unloading in Glass Lens
Molding Process

Dynamic Large-Displacement Analysis of Gear Teeth

Effect of the Compliance of Rolls in the Leveling Process of a Steel Mill

Resin Sheet Molding Simulation including Thickness Change

Fluid-Structure Interaction of Emergency Braking System of Towing Tank Moving Vehicle

Wrinkle Analysis of Texture for Water Treatment

Impulse Response Analysis of Square Plate

Seismic Analysis of Concrete Piles due to the Sloshing of Crude Oil Tank

Angle of Repose of Powders

Stick-Slip Motion on a Surface with Elastic Deformation

Elongation of Thin Plate around Roll

Shake Down due to Elastic-Plastic Deformation

Acoustic-Structure Interactive Vibration

Cutting Resistance and Crack Progress

Compressed Gas Propagation inside Cylindrical Tube

Effect of Distal Stiffness against Dog-Boning